equestrian trails
The 24-mile, 15-25-foot-wide native soil equestrian trail located along the Longleaf Trace is recognized as one of South Mississippi’s finest. The little-known jewel is regularly maintained and parallel to the Trace, occasionally crossing from one side to the other due to terrain or other considerations. The trail has a large trailer parking/staging area at its northern end (Carson) that includes 10 horse stalls, a primitive camp area, and a group pavilion. A large trailer parking area is also available at the Sumrall Station. Equestrian stalls, a primitive camp area, and a group pavilion is available at the South end of the equestrian trail at the Ronnie Shows Nature Center.
Parking for the Ronnie Shows Nature Center stalls and primitive camp is at the Sumrall Station (5 ½ mi.) or the Epley Station (1 ½ mi.). Equestrians are joint users of the restrooms and rest stops along the route with the hikers, bikers, and other users of the Longleaf Trace.
All horses owners must have proof readily available of a negative Coggins Test on any horse used on the trail.
Kicking horses or stallions should have a ribbon (red) tied in their tail.
Horse owners shall also comply with the general rules and regulations of the Pearl & Leaf Rivers Rails-to-Trails Recreational District and any and all posted signs, regulations, or warnings.
Horses should be tied in a manner that will not damage trees or other vegetation.
Horses must remain under control of its owner or user at all times.
Horses should not be ridden in muddy conditions if doing so results in trail rutting.
Animal waste deposited on asphalt surfaces of the trail or parking lots shall be removed by the owner. The owner shall remove any hazards to other users that may be caused as a result of crossing the asphalt surfaced trail.
Any violation of the general rules and regulations or these special rules and regulations for use of the equestrian trail shall be punishable as provided by state law.
As provided for in Section 55-25-5 Mississippi Code of 1972 as Annoted, any violations of these rules and regulations shall constitute a misdemeanor punishable, upon conviction, by a fine of not less that Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.